Camping and Biking in California

Car and Tent Camping in Encinitas, California. below is a shot of my cat food stove in action.I was also testing putting a backpack on the front handle bars like I found this guy doing. For me it didn't  really work out that well. It did work well for small items but fully loaded the handle bar stem would open up, basically become unhinged, which is exactly what you don't want to have happen when you are riding a bike. 

My Friend Matt, The Tern, and an awesome cat food stove
The Cat food stove 
The Cat Can Stove (or Tuna Can Stove) is known for its high heat output (for an alcohol stove) and fast cook times.  It's one of the simplest designs and is very easy to construct and quite dependable.  

The Truck, Tent, and Sunset.


This is a weird shot of Matt looking out upon the Pacific with a circle arm.


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